Gifts for Gaia
These little Nature Spirits in meditation are created from the elements of Earth (clay), Water (mixed with water), Air (dried by air), Fire (further dried in fire), and Heart (woven in throughout). They seem to almost create themselves…
Most of these beings are just 1-2 centimeters. I feel inspired by the little things in life, in Nature - a tiny curl of a vine, a sparkle of a pebble, a tiny dried flower - these beings are reminders of the magic of the tiny world, the faerie realm. A reminder of finding joy in the simple things.
Gifts for Gaia is also research project in Giving. The creations are often gifted to friends or strangers, or sometimes placed in nature for someone to find. Perhaps you are even here because you have found one yourself! If so, a couple of notes:
Each piece comes with a name and some words of reflection (and if you ask them, they may reveal more…). You can find that by hovering over the image in the gallery here:
This may take more time to update when I’m travelling, so check back later if it’s not there.The clay pieces are fired in fire rather than a kiln, so they are not waterproof. The adhesive used is also water soluble. So when placing outdoors, keep that in mind.
The invitation is for the receiver to keep the gift as long as it feels right or serves them, and then eventually to give the gift further (maybe also to a friend, or to a stranger, or as a nature offering). May Joy be found in both receiving and in giving!
I would also love to hear your experience if you have found one - feel free to contact me below! :)
I also make custom pieces by donation, if you have a gift idea for yourself or for someone else. Some pieces shown are also still available.
May the Gift radiate out in concentric circles, where the center is everywhere…