Morning Practice

In collaboration with

Do you want to shift gently into your morning?

We warmly invite you to our Mindfulness Practice in the tradition of the Delicate Lodge Teachings."* A beautiful flow into the new day, where we sing our Love Song to the Universe, Dance with all of our relations, and share our intentions for the day.

*If you are not familiar with the teachings, there is also an opportunity to get introduced before joining a practice.

Always on Tuesdays. Starting July 16th, 2024

  • Day and Time: Tuesdays, 8.00 - 8.45

    Live Place: Innovationsdorf at Wylerringstrasse 36, 3014 Bern

    Virtual Place: Zoom

    Cost: Kollekte

For questions and to sign up, contact me or Matti Straub-Fischer at