Breath for Business

Activate your potential in times of transformation, in your organization and beyond.


Breath for Business is especially relevant in these times. While stress reduction and prevention is a key focus, it goes much further than this. With virtual or live sessions scheduled at your own convenience, we use conscious breathing to adapt to new challenges, to become more mindful in our daily interactions, and to strengthen connection with our “Center-Point”. This is the place where Mind and Body work as an integrated whole to enjoy health, to create and co-create from our deepest innate intelligence, and to move from the truth of who we are as individuals and as humans. How might our world change if we thought and took action from the truth of our center - as individuals, governments, organizations, communities?

By knowing the centering potential of the breath, by learning to “think with the body”, we tap into an immense intelligence and wisdom!

The customized sessions become a touchstone in the week, where we can remember the power of something so simple as our breath. Breath for Business includes practical tools to apply in daily life, fascinating science, group sharing, and guided breath awareness practices.

Read more below, including a free guided session…

"I wanted to thank you for your very human, open-hearted and professional way to bring more breath and space into our lives. I really appreciate our weekly meeting and also the steady way you bring exercises and explanations in as well as repetitions." - Barbara, BKW

The Business of breath;
the Breath of Business

Do you ever find that the pressure of a work load or a stressful meeting builds up as tension in your shoulders or pain your back?

Or maybe you feel like you just don’t have the energy for that mile-long list of “to-do’s”?

Perhaps you feel pulled in so many directions needing your attention that it’s hard to stay focused and on track.

The world of business can be rewarding in many ways. Yet it can also be a field with high stress, many expectations, and multiple priorities to balance. Sometimes in the pressure of staying one step ahead, we forget to breathe. We might even forget we even have a Body at all!

Through deepening our awareness of our body, the breath becomes a powerful biofeedback tool that we can access at any time. The sense of spaciousness the breath gives allows us to find the possibility in the impossibility, the relaxation in the tension, the slowness in the speed. We not only bring space to our physical/mental/emotional systems, but also to the greater systems of which we are a part. We bring the vitality and flow of the breath into our very organizations.

Breath for Business uses the spacious simplicity of mindful, diaphragmatic breathing (aka belly breathing) to reduce stress, increase energy, and enhance focus. Because breathing happens on a very basic human level, the sessions are also a space for colleagues to connect as humans. This shared experience can deepen our trust not only in ourselves, but also on a team level.

My story

As a teenager, I was often totally disconnected from my body. Body shame, cultural distortions, depression and anxiety all played a part. Yet the pharmaceuticals I was prescribed did not get to the root of the issue.

Over a decade ago, I began to strengthen my Mind-Body connection through meditation, and this journey began with my Breath. I have worked with various teachers, mentors and methods in my research on breath, including rebirthing/breathwork, kundalini yoga, dance, martial arts, mindfulness meditation and scientific research. Working through a 3-year illness was probably my most in-depth research project in understanding the intelligence of the body.

As I continue learning to listen, understand, and dialogue with the language of Body and Breath, I find the impacts on my life are tremendous. I meet myself, my work and my relationships with more Joy and curiosity. I access more of my potential as a human to contribute to this world. Breath for Business is part of the contribution.

As organizations face new challenges of transformation and new opportunities for learning, the relevance of our body intelligence as a resource is increasing.

And it all starts with the Breath.

Program and Costs

The Breath for Business program is a customizable program where I come to your company for 1 to 3 sessions per week at a time that fits for you. I generally suggest to start with 2 trial sessions, continuing with cycles that last for 4 - 16 weeks. We will build and deepen over time.

Virtual sessions allow for more flexibility. I will customize the program to the needs of your organization, and depending on frequency and needs, the price will vary. Prices start at CHF 1200.- for groups between 8-12 meeting for 4 weeks. Price is negotiable.

Please contact me below to discuss a custom offer.

May your Breath be a ground for your empowerment, in your work life and beyond.

“Conscious breathing connects, heals, makes you happy. I'm just surprised: Why isn't this taught in school? :) In the group the experience is even more intense and at the end there is an exchange of experiences. All this sounds a bit like miracle healing and it maybe is. For sure it was a good atmosphere and it was great feeling to do something like this as team together.” -Stephan Klaus, Apps with Love AG, Bern, CH



Transforming Business and Education

Stress. Burnout. Depression.
Prevention and Support

Connect. Empower. Support.
English-speaking support services in Switzerland