A Ritual journey of embodied storytelling
with live drumming in the forest
MythDance is weaving of movement, meditation, and world mythology. Through practices of embodiment and imagination, we bring to life the stories that want to be told.
Myths are stories which have been told throughout the ages; they speak both to our personal stories and to the stories present in the collective. We look into the Soul of the Self, into the Soul of the Collective, and dance these stories into being in a new way. In telling our story, we heal. In creating our story, we evolve.
May we listen more deeply to ourselves, to each other, and to the Truth held within the myth...
MythDance is currently in its third incarnation, now being held in Bern, Switzerland.
After each MythDance, a poem-gift comes, in honor of the journey and words spoken from the dancers, in honor of Life. Please scroll down for both text and audio versions. To hear a selection of these poems shared on the Medicine Caller podcast with Sophia Wise One, please visit here.
Upcoming Events:
MythDance returns to the forest with live drumming!!!
Please register at least 24 hours in advance at the link below
Save the Dates 2025 MythDances (always on Saturday): 15.2; 26.4; 14.6; 16.8; 18.10; 29.11
MythDance in the forest with live drumming
Day and Time: Saturday, 26 April 2025, 15.30-18.00
Location: near Glasbrunnen, Bern CH (weather permitting - register for details)
Cost: CHF 30.-
A loving welcome to returning drummer Beat Rihm. Beat is an heartfelt percussionist who has studied with René Barth and Tom Ehrlich of SpiritDance Drumming.
Beat Rihm:
Myths Danced
Poems from our journeys, as a gift for you…
Image by mokhalad musavi from Pixabay
Mirror of the World
15 February, 2025
Back when the world
Was an empty cup,
When chaos reigned
And unanswered questions
A pair of eyes opened.
Owl watched
As the three old women came,
The Maze of Lights and Mirrors
In the distance
In an instant,
Multiple worlds swirled,
Whirling in the direction of
No Wrong Way
We swayed, submitting ourselves
To the haze of Lights and Mirrors,
Until nothing but distractions
But was that really, truly
What we became?
Or did the pain of our inner
And outer battles
Rattle us to the point of
Isn't there a place to enter,
There in the space of pure stillness,
There in the Something Bigger,
Where we see each other with
New eyes?
The guise of caterpillar
Has long been disclosed.
Eventually he gives up and
Disrobes into that glorious
Eventually River's raging reflections
Bend and brightly bow,
Showing us the face
Of Ocean's ever-giving
Dear One,
Do not be afraid of unanswered questions
Or of lessons that leave blood upon your lips
Simply - trust your inner knowing
And let yourself be gently
By this.