Poem-Gifts 2022
Pele and Ocean
20 November, 2022
The Sacred Fire calls,
Spiraling tongues licking us
All clean,
Worlds within worlds within worlds...
Volcano Woman who first birthed lava,
Cracks open the center of Earth
Cracks open old worlds
As Her own fiery
Purity alights,
Coal-black, fire-orange,
Ocean-foam white
We dance at the edge of transformation
Where unmoving blocks
Become fluid emotion,
Where resistance is released
At the speed of light in motion,
Immortal history
Where man and woman meet
In the fire
In the depths
In the old crackling voice of the storyteller
The elders stand with roots and branches,
Blessing these stories, saying:
We will be the wood
For your Light,
For your Way...
Yes, yes, come to know the
Rainbow who does not fade.”
Come, come, come
To the Circle, Dear Ones:
Dip your soup ladles
Into the oceanic cosmic consciousness
And pass the bowl around
Come, come, come
To the Circle, Dear Ones:
Where we reimagine Paradise,
The fire of choice and change
Flowing like medicine
Through our veins
Come, come, come
To the Circle, Dear Ones:
Where The Inner Child
The Inner Wild
And our feet kiss the earth
In the screams and songs of birth
Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the Circle, Dear Ones:
Here, take the hands
Of All-That-Is
Into the sparkling womb
Of the Unknown
Sky Woman, Turtle Island and the Twins
16 October, 2022
There is no birth and no death,
Only pure breath.
Open hearts caressed by aliveness,
Clear seeing.
Yet the Wind inevitably comes,
Ripping us out by the roots
Until we topple over,
Down, Down, down
Surrendered to our weight,
Like Sky Woman falling...
We come to know
Of the below that kisses above,
Of the dark that kisses the light
Of the death that kisses the life.
Pairs of polarity greet us
At the ground of our fall:
Bowls of heavy stones
The twins hold in their hands.
Standing at a wall of mirrors,
They call us to choose...
Feel the stone on your skin.
Care for its black caverns and
White veins,
For these live also inside of you.
See through the mirrors,
Those fragments you used
To see who “other” was,
Who you were.
For how sure can you be, really,
Until your pure seeing reigns,
Raining down like
As you remember?
The profound joy and pain,
The power of paradox,
Eventually lifts us all
From the waters
Upon the back of the slow and steady
Where we hear a soft voice,
From deep in her belly:
“The Two have been blessed,
And healing has come.
Will you end your war
And Create together
What now wants to come?”
We step into the Unknown,
Breathing together
From the bowls of fire in our bellies,
Symbiosis yearning us
Stones turn to diamonds,
And new stories spiral out
Like spider silk from our fingers
As flowers pour from our mouths
Dance, dance, dance!
And give, give,
Give all that you are!
For in gratitude we are carried
On earth-painted back of Turtle,
Receiving Light of Sun, Moon and Stars
Ra, Apep and Khepri
14 August, 2022
Life contains Death,
and Death contains Life.
The Pyramid of Earth
Rises from the Nothing,
Breast of the Mother.
Fields of sunflowers
Bow their heads, drinking,
Before returning to her dark,
Open arms.
Remember her warm embrace
As you lay down your arms
Dear One -
Buried in her laughter,
Deep down in the soil.
The fighting and foes,
told and retold stories of old...
What if the untold stories
Were worth their weight in gold?
What if the Gods put down their mirrors
And took off their robes,
Exposing themselves as
Nothing more (or less) than butterflies
Landing lightly on your toes?
And again...
Letting go...
The wild bees, once dying,
Once again thrive
And surprise us
By crawling on our feet,
Those feet stained with berry and
How can it be,
That the Sun births itself again
From the womb of Night?
How can it be,
That Light swallows Dark
While Dark swallows Light?
Even as the wild bee
Alights on the ever-giving Gold,
The radiant lotus shines on
The part and on the Whole...
Be patient, Dear One.
Circling around and around,
We come finally to ground
Where crystalline and coarse-grain
Resound in the Dark places.
Gold will flow forth,
From the wounds.
Fly on the breeze,
Dear One
Take part in the Mystery of Creation,
Collect seeds,
Root in your knowing.
No need to wait
Until the sowing
Of liberation -
You are here now.
Breathe in...
and out...
Dance with wild seeds rolling
On drumskins.
Own nothing, owe nothing,
And know
That the seed already
Contains the whole,
And it will grow,
Yes, in the rhythm of Life,
We will grow...
We give what we have taken,
Breaking all boundaries
By simply
The Rainbow Bridge
14 May, 2022
At the Great Tree,
We wept
For the loss of the rooted way,
For the fall,
For seeing all there was
To weep for
Yet all was not lost,
Even if we had fallen deep
Into opaque waters
Or high into Mountain's
Sky-piercing laughter
For after the fall,
Our roots began to grow
Even if we did not know
How to feel ourselves
The trees were waiting,
Shaking down their leaves,
Letting go of everything
While whispering “All is not lost”.
In between words,
Drinking the rustling Fire of Sun
And the roaring Waters running
Down our faces
What grace to break open
What we thought we knew,
Holding only white and green pebbles
Beneath the rooted rhythm of rain
The electric gold of our pain
Cracks open the darkness of night
And with new sight,
We can see the other half
Leave your island behind, Dear One...
Become the Rainbow Bridge,
Keep on with
Seeking depth and splashing lightness
Keep on with
Your gratitude of the corona's brightness
Keep on with
Opening your shells
And the swelling waves will carry you
To the Paradise where you
Already dwell
Buddha and the Bodhi Tree
20 March, 2022, Spring Equinox
We stepped beyond the thick walls
Of our protection
To meet other,
To meet ourselves.
Shocked by the suffering,
We stood
At the wrinkled feet of the old ones.
They knew;
They could tell us
Of the thick grooves in the earth
That were carved out by humility
And rain.
Imaginary borders were drawn
In the grains
Of sand at our feet,
The Fire at our backs.
We entered the stillness again and again and again,
Bowing at the dirty feet of our sisters -
They knew the rituals;
They sang us
Past borders,
Into the intimacy of our true names
Yet the pain brought us to walk alone,
To the center of the world
Where that Great Tree stood,
Where man and woman had first met
Here, we sat and asked all of our questions
As stars fell into our lap,
As spears became sweet blossoms,
As our tears blessed the way.
No answer came,
At first.
Earth speaks,
And man awakes to touch the feet
Of the woman who wildly dreams...
Here, where the meeting of
Fire and Water
Unfolds its pure and radiant wings
Will you fly towards the dark,
Or will you fly towards the light?
Or will you bring all you are
To the middle,
Planting here
The seeds of new life?
Photo by Matt Hardy from Pexels
The Rainbow Serpent
26 February, 2022
Sleep fell from us like old skins
We had dreamt of war
In many forms,
As the Heart of the Earth Mother
Was pressed...
That crystalline core,
That diamond under pressure
What weight to bear!
From there,
From that dark place
Where She was,
She came – unexpected and unannounced,
Like the first waters flowing
Through dry lands
She sang to us,
Told us that
The Source was in our hands
All along...
Sparkling like rubies,
Like Fire,
Like the lightness of Sun
She told us of the fun of Creation,
Tickling us awake
As we laughed out loud,
Leaving our dreamlike mourning shrouds
Upon the burial mounds,
All that we no longer wanted
Thrown in
And put to good use
By that
It was strange,
How brokenness
The absurd dreams
Gave way to the curved shape
Of the Rainbow Serpent,
And She smiled at us,
Even through swamps and
Tangled thorns
The frogs awoke with us,
Stoking the fires of Transformation
With their songs
Into endless skies,
The violet smoke of illusions rose
The serpent's smiling whispers
We hear, like raindrops on water:
“May you shed your skins,
May you shed your skins,
And shine from within”
23 January, 2022
We had become lost in the riddle
After traveling down, down, down
With our hound-headed friend
Carrying the heavy stones,
We finally sunk to the throne
Of the Underworld,
That Unknown tomb
Where no Sun shone
We asked for the bones,
Those bones that had been buried
So long ago...
In the breath between Worlds,
We asked to let what had been buried
Be shown.
In the breath between Worlds,
We asked for the Sun to shine
Into the impossibly dark below.
In the breath between Worlds,
In turn, we were asked the riddle
We did not - could not - know.
Yet we did not come alone.
The answer came in pieces,
Like the fragments of bones:
A feathered serpent sang
To both friend and foe,
Honeybees swarmed,
Ocean waves flowed...
In that song,
The Dawn Sun rose.
In that song,
The dark began to glow.
In that loving hum of creation,
Golden honey sweetened
Even the darkest shadow
The nectar of
The sun-kissed rose
“Keep on...”